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image gambar genderuwo hantu ghost

Genderuwo is one of the spirits which were very popular and exist only in Indonesia especially in Java island. Until now there is no other country that claims to genderuwo are treasures belonging to  countries other than Indonesia.

Genderuwo is a kind of jinn or evil spirits that the human form of large-bodied ape-like and stocky with dark reddish skin color, his body covered with thick hair that grows in the whole body. Genderuwo mainly known in the community on the island of Java (Sundanese people call it "gandaruwo" and the Javanese call them "devils").

Habitat occupancy favorite, is a watery rock, old buildings, large trees that shaded or damp corners of the quiet and dark. Domicile center of this creature believed to be in Donoloyo Teak Forest, Sloghimo district, about 60 km east of Wonogiri, and in the Weak White, Purwosari, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo about 60 km to the west of Yogyakarta.

a/n Corner Mystery - Genderuwo (Wahyu Ardhana Riswari) 23 Feb, 2011

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