Upload Files to Dropbox From Google Chrome Right Click Menu new

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Dropbox is one of the most popular cloud storage services available right now. If you are a Google Chrome user and looking for a simple and easy way to upload files to your Dropbox account, Give Download to Dropbox extension a try. As the name suggests, the extension allows users to upload any file from Google Chrome to their Dropbox account. Just like Save to Drive, this extension adds Upload to Dropbox option in Google Chromes context menu.
Download to Dropbox
Using the extension is pretty simple and straightforward. Just go to Chrome Web Store and install Download To Dropbox extension. Once installed, a new icon will appear in your Chromes taskbar. First of all, make sure you have authorized the app to access your Dropbox account by clicking on the extension icon. After authorizing, you will see a new option in Google Chromes context menu that says Upload to Dropbox.
Before we proceed, you can even customize in which folder you want Dropbox to upload your files. The Group By Site option allows you to organize uploaded files by website from where the file is uploaded. On the other hand, Group by Date sorts your files based on the date when it was uploaded to Dropbox.
Download to Dropbox Settings
All you have to do is right click on any image or URL you want to save in your Dropbox, right click on it and select Upload to Dropbox. It will automatically save the file to your Dropbox account.
Download to Dropbox Menu
if you want, you can even check the status of the files that are being uploaded to Dropbox. Just click on the extension icon and it will show you whether the files have been successfully uploaded or not.
Download to Dropbox Status
Download to Dropbox is a very handy extension that allows users to easily upload files from the internet to their Dropbox account. The extension offers variety of features and helps users organize uploaded files in an efficient manner.
Feel free to share your thoughts if you tried Download to Dropbox.
Download Download to Dropbox Extension (Google Chrome)

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