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Install Google Android on PC with Google Android LiveCD/LiveUSB new

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We all are aware of Google Android OS Based mobile phones like G1-phone, HTC Hero etc.  Basically Google Android is Linux kernel based Operating system for mobile phones but you might have heard Android powered Netbooks will be soon coming to market meaning Google Android can be installed on Netbooks then why not on normal PCs ?
Well now you can also install Google Android on your PC with LiveAndroid a LiveCD/LiveUSB for Google Android for x86 platforms. Google Android LiveCD is useful for those users who want to test Android OS but dont want to purchase G1 Phone.
LiveAndroid is open source project lets you download a LiveCD disc image of the Google Android operating system. Just burn the image to a disc, stick it in a CD-ROM drive, and reboot your computer and you can check out Android without installing it or affecting any files on your PC.

Screenshots of Google Android LiveCD in Action

Google Android Live Cd
Google Android Live Cd
Google Android Live Cd
You can also use Android LiveCD disc image in a virtualization application like VirtualBox or Microsoft Virtual PC if you want to try the operating system without even rebooting your computer.
Download LiveCD/LiveUSB for Google Android to install Google Android on PC.

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