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While this isnt the worst thing in the world, it does show that Facebooks slow rollout at the end of last year might have hurt its overall revenue. Slowly rolling it out was the right move for users and its products longterm health, but it does look like Gifts didnt get the Christmas boom that the company had hoped for.
When Facebook Gifts launched, our own Josh Constine discussed how the product could eventually earn upwards of $1B annually for the company. When Ive used the products, I noticed that its difficult for people to accept their gifts, especially if theyre not a hardcore Facebook user.

As far as promoted posts from users, its something that nobody really understood why Facebook introduced it. It seems odd to want to pay money to promote your status update to people who are already your friends. As Facebooks News Feed gets harder to follow, asking people to pay $7 is a bit of a stretch. To many, this seemed like a test just to see what would happen.
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