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Delete or Cancel Friendster Account and Profile new

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Delete or Cancel Friendster Account and Profile

Friendster sucks? As with MySpace, Friendster account users especially young children and innocent girls who upload some sexy yet pretty photos to Friendster and grant the whole world to view the pictures, also expose to the risks of low piracy, sex predators, sex maniacs. If you want to make yourself more secure, and feel that maintaining Friendster account is complete waste of time, heres the guide on how you can delete or cancel your Friendster account (related: Delete MySpace profile).

  1. Login to your Friendster account.
  2. Click on Settings located on the top right corner of web page.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings page, and then click on Cancel Account link.
  4. A new page will load. Scroll down to the middle of the page. At Cancellation Form: section, fill in the following fields details:
    • Email address: Enter the email address you use to login to Friendster.
    • Password: Enter the password you use to login to Friendster.
    • Optional: Check and select or state the reason why you want to leave Friendster from the selection and options or text field given.
  5. Check (tick) on the check box Yes, I want to cancel my Friendster account verification.
  6. Click on proceed button and your Friendster account will be deleted.
Note that the deletion or cancellation of Friendster profile or account is permanent and irreversible. You wont be able to revert or retrieve back the account as the data is permanently deleted, so impossible for Friendster to reactivate or reinstate the profile.
If you screen still show youre logged in after deletion, simply refresh the web page.

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